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Oct 12, 2010

Sewing Machine Revived ..... ****HAPPY*****

I am elated...ask  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

My Sewing machine has been repaired and is back in action.... it was an eventful day as i approached a new service mechanic and he landed up at my house under half-an-hour of contacting him..(SURPRISE).... but joy was short lived as he knew only about industrial machines and slogged it out in my machine for more than hour and told me to take it to Singer Service Center......OMG... back to square one....

So i had consoled myself to go the center 2moro morning, as i have Navarathri festivities in evening...

Then out of the blue, the regular service guy called ( HE had been cooking stories of not being in town for past 4 days!).... and said he is on his way and will reach me at the earliest..... my joy knew no bounds... though it was 5:00 PM already and i was expecting guests to pour in from 6 PM (Remember Navarathri Day 5 today.....), i said YES.... my machine had to be revived, with it my sagging spirits....

He CAME, He SAW, He RESOLVED !!! !YAHOOOOOOOO.... I am on cloud nine and almost tipped and fell in my excitement as sprinted across the hallway to reach for a test fabric to test the fitness my darling sewing machine....

It worked.... oh the sweet sound of my machine.... how i missed it for the past 6 days including today....i did small test stitch session on it, when the first bunch of guests arrived.... oh i had to part with my Darling SM...for a while now.... i packed it off to my sewing room, paid the service guy's charge and guess what the problem was, the 'Carbon to my motor eroded' That is the Jargon that was told to me so i repeat...

When you have a look at the actual piece which was replaced, you will be outraged, atleast i did, just look at the size of it, it managed to stall my 5 days of sewing.... oh my...

Here is the Cuprit!

My heart skipped many a beat as my Darling was opened up and the 'surgery' was on.....


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