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Sep 22, 2010

‘Fashion & You’ .. that's Fashion for Me ...

As the clock makes a gentle swift to 11am, I make a rapid swift to log online to my favorite shopping portal. Sizzling designs at irresistible prices offered to you on a platter! That’s the striking metaphor for ‘Fashion & You’! It is a website that runs the entire gamut from clothing to accessories for Men, Women and Children.

I quickly skim through all they have on offer on their home page. I click on the first category that catches my eyes; though the whole page looks impressive at one go. I add the attractive items to my shopping cart, which I can retain for 30mins. After giving the items a good thought, I buy them - most often using ‘Cash on Delivery’ option. They do have a credit card option to pay then and there.

On purchase, they send me an email confirmation on the order with details about the tentative time that it would take for the package to reach me. As I quickly anticipate my order, I receive the courier. The packaging signifies how much ‘You’ matter to Fashion & You. All that I order for comes in a thick cardboard pack with bubble covers to protect the goods inside.

After a couple of shopping binges, I realize its time to wait for a friend that I invited to start shopping. Once they do, I am thrilled to know of their first purchase, as it is on their first purchase that the F&Y team credits 1000INR to my account. I start shopping again for at least Rs.1500 so that I redeem the credited amount.

Hitherto, I have bought clutches, shirts, ties, cuff links, soft toys, saris, ear rings, finger rings & cosmetics from their portal. People around show their curiosity as they ask me about the shop from where I buy them all. I smile back and say that I never step out of my home to shop. I share with them how conveniently I shop online at Fashion & You.

I love Fashion & You and if there is anybody that doesn’t – it could only be my husband who pays my bills J Just Kidding, I get stuff for him as well, so no complaints.
Fashion and You Rocks!

This is actually my second post about Fashion and You, i had earlier posted my friend invite link during month of June remember. Feel free to join the party and have fun...


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